Saturday September 14
bring the kids to Bestival and enjoy our interactive KidSquare!
Enjoy music making, make and take crafts, games, kid vendors, and more! Find all the action at the intersection of Belmont and Claremont streets.
SATURDAY 10am-5pm
Families will enjoy thousands of LEGO® Bricks, hundreds of EVERBLOCKS for building and designing, an Inspiration Table of the best in LEGO® structures to inspire others, and a Grand Throne for awesome photos.

SATURDAY 10am-5pm
Don't miss the fun in our Craft Tent hosted by Mindful Makers to create your own take-home art! ​​
SATURDAY 10am-1pm
Visit KW Gymnastics on Claremont Ave to have some fun and try out gymnastics in an interactive play area!
Being in operation for over 50 years, KW Gymnastics is a home to over 3000 athletes a year and is a leader in the Kitchener-Waterloo community. Located in the Victoria Hills area, KW Gymnastics is a not-for-profit organization, offering a variety of quality classes for extremely competitive prices! From parent and tot classes to adult sessions, and recreational opportunities to competitive programs, KW Gymnastics is a gym like no other.

SATURDAY 10am-5pm
EarlyON Waterloo Region is excited to be part of Bestival this year! Come visit us at the “loose parts” tent in the Children's Area. What are “loose parts” you wonder? “Loose parts are natural objects or materials which provide children with endless opportunities to build on their play”. Children learn through play and are encouraged to explore materials that support creativity, problem solving and mathematical behaviours. At EarlyON, our early learning environments are set up for open-ended exploration that supports these growing skills which are foundational for literacy and instill a love of learning. We are bringing this play opportunity to Bestival this year, we invite families to stop by and play with us!
Facebook and Twitter: @EarlyONWR, Instagram: earlyonwr
SATURDAY 10am-5pm
Visit the Bandology Music Lab which features fun games and activities for kids to explore and embark on a musical journey, including music trivia and the chance to win a prize. Plus, check out their Sound Garden that is an interactive sound experience meant to spark creativity and nurture the love for music!

SATURDAY 10am-5pm
Visit Rookie & Ace for FREE temporary tattoos! Plus, Join in the fun with a game of ping pong and try out a timed obstacle course. Score high on the leaderboard for your chance to win a prize!

SATURDAY 10am - 5pm
Visit our friends at Boundless for some fun interactive martial arts!